18 August 2014

Angel Card Reading for this week: 18 to 24 August 2014

Discipline is the key for peace of mind. If we cultivate self Discipline, we trust ourselves to respond appropriately in any situation. By training ourselves to be discipline we create methods & systems to promote an appropriate way of operating. The reward will enrich every area of our lives.
Call upon your Angels to help you to be Disciplined.

Affirmation: "I am disciplined"

Courtesy: "Wisdom cards" by Diana Cooper&Greg Suart

16 August 2014

Angel Card reading for the day
Purification: Mind and body needs purification. This message is not a criticism. It is a call from your Angels to accept their help and healing. Focus on the contents of your mind & speech. Take care of your body by adopting healthy diet. Ask your Angels to help you and they will happily guide you and show ways to live a healthy, pure life.
Affirmation for the day: "My Inner self is always Divinely blessed"
Vakratunda Mahakaaya
Suryakoti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Mey Deva
Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvada

Guru Vandanam - Prayer to the Master
Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnuh Gururdevo Maheshvarah
Gurusakshat Parambrahma Tasmai Shreeguruve Namah